It it Groundhog Day? No, just another moratorium.

It it Groundhog Day? No, just another moratorium.

It it Groundhog Day? No, just another moratorium.

In the 1993 movie that starred Bill Murray,  Phil Conners experiences the same Groundhog Day events over and over until he gets his life right, and when that finally happens, the page on the calendar is turned. As we face yet another eviction moratorium, I’m starting to feel like Phil. Can we hope for the […]

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Five Apartment Trends Guiding 2021

Five Apartment Trends Guiding 2021

Every year brings about new trends, and while we’d like to say that 2021 is no different, the reality is that the year following (and continuing) a global pandemic has changed a number of things about life as we know it—maybe for the long term. The same is true in the world of property and […]

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